From Cleveland, Ohio, Slo Mono exudes characteristics of a youthful exuberance while maintaining an air of aged satire. Indie-rock with a dose of psychedelia makes for an upbeat, dreamlike, thoughtful experience, with micro-moments of delusion before catching you back up with catchy melodies and clever lyrics.
Through the span of a decade, frontman Jonathan Bellis has written for music projects ranging from hard rock to bluegrass and whatever happens in between. Settling on the moniker “Slo Mono” is a decision based on himself, and what he wishes for a world ahead.
-It’s a reminder for myself that life isn’t supposed to be a rushed process. It should be taken ‘slow’ and enjoyed. We as a people want things now, regardless of the quality or the ethics in origin. It’s awful for us, and for the world, to be so impatient and needy. Accepting child labor for clothes, underpaid farmers for coffee, not to mention the environmental impact of such practices is exhausting. I think it’s important to not blindly accept things, but to reflect on what you enjoy and make sure it actually bodes well with you-
Pursuing a career in music has its share of obstacles in regards to sustainability. Merch is often manufactured as cheap as possible, records use oil, touring uses gas. Slo Mono’s goal is to sell merch that is ethically sourced, wherever possible. One idea is to offer products made in the USA at a slight premium, but also screen print finds at thrift shops for a more affordable option. Coffee roasted in small batches from fair trade co-ops is another offering from the band (anybody interested, hmu).
The plan is to build a community that appreciates the little things, supports the underdog, and likes to dance.
Slo Mono is a breed from a lifelong dedication and love towards music as a whole. It’s refreshing for both the audience and the performers, in that it pushes the boundaries of genre norms while feeling at home within the intricacies of the arrangements. It blends improvisation and meticulation, creating an experience worth sharing.